About Authenticity

Imagine telling a building lobby receptionist, "Please determine the intentions of everyone who enters the building, and also determine whether they are good or bad people."

If you think that's an unreasonable request, and if you know how a building works, then you are better prepared to judge information security approaches than are the information security experts.

The current practice of information security is mostly about determining the intentions and character of the sender of a stream of bits.

Problem: in most cases that is impossible.

When it is possible, it's because the intruder lacks skills or funding. In other words, information security products tend to deter the least threatening attacks. That renders mainstream information security efforts ineffective or even useless.

Authenticity works where information security technology has failed us!

Identity is the Foundation of Security™. If you're a qualified investor, learn about the many opportunities to create value and realize return by helping one of our Authenticity Enterprises bring Authenticity to its target market.

Identity is the Foundation of Security™. Check out our list of partners to see which one of them will bring Authenticity to you, your organization, your world:

  • by establishing measurably reliable identities and
  • by designing and building online spaces upon a foundation of reliable identity, PKI, and InDoor™ standards and practices.